So today I had my 10 week ultrasound. Okay, 9 wks 5 days.. close enough! It was unbelievable how much she has grown in just the past month. She had quadrupled in size.. and I was finally able to see some features (head, arms, etc.) It looks like a little blob on the pic.. but during the actual ultrasound you could see her little body parts! Also today when we were trying to measure her.. she was being such a wiggle worm! It took the nurse a few minutes to actually be able to get a good measurement on her... because she kept wiggling around so much. I hope she's not a crazy kicker when she gets bigger! LOL. We also measured her heartrate, which has gone from 132 bpm at 7 weeks to 167 bpm this week!
So I think we're pretty much low key for now until 20 weeks, when we confirm the sex. I've already got a little pooch belly, a lot of bloating too! Haha. The first things to expand (besides my boobs!!) was my hips.. so I'm finding it really hard to fit into my "skinny" jeans anymore..even this early on. So I bought a few of those Belly Bands to wear over my unbuttoned jeans and, voila! Let's see how long this will last!
Also, yesterday I picked up a few books that I have been absolutely loving.. Your Pregnancy Week by Week ( I think it's much better than What to Expect When You're Expecting)

and I also found this funny book for Daddy-to-Be's.. "She's Having a Baby, and I'm Having a Breakdown!". After skimming through it before giving it to Joey, it's a definite recommendation! It's hilarious, but so true.. there are tons of facts on pregnancy and childbirth, and it also gives Daddies some really cool tips and hints to keeping their woman happy =). It's worth every last cent.

Fun Facts:
This week your baby measures about 1.25 - 1.75 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 0.18 ounce, the size of a small plum. Her heart is beating at approx 167 bpm, reproductive organs have already started to form and hair follicles are starting to form this week as well.