Today was our first ultrasound! 6 weeks, 6 days!
So I'm scheduled for 11:30 am, and instructed to arrive with a "full" bladder. Okay. Whatever that means. I pee every 10 minutes lady, you'll never catch me with an empty bladder! So I down a quart of water, (yes, a QUART of water..) which for those of you who don't know- is waay too much water to be drinking in one sitting.. you'll explode! and arrive at the Dr.'s office. She turns down the lights and puts the scope over my tummy. We get somewhat of a good view of the baby, the size of a peanut, and her beating heart. <3
We got okay pics of the baby.. she's really too tiny to see anything ( I say "she" because I seriously have a hunch it's going to be a girl, even though Joey will argue different). But you could see the flicker of her tiny little beating heart, approximately 132 beats/minute. It was such an amazing feeling! Dr. says her heart is very strong, and baby is growing right on track! My entire appointment lasted about an hour, because I kept making the Dr. double check and triple check that there were no other babies in there! LOL!. The first time I confirmed my pregnancy with the Dr., my hormone levels were so high she thought that I might be carrying twins (which runs in my family). So I would NOT leave until she checked at least 4 times all throughout my uterus that there was only one!! Haha. And it was confirmed, 4 times (luckily) that this time we will only be expecting one little gift =).
So this ultrasound was pretty much to confirm how far along I was, and the next ultrasound will be around week 10-11 so that we can actually SEE the baby! Until then....