YAY! Joey and I confirmed yesterday at the Ultrasound Clinic that we are going to be parents to a little girl! We both were very excited to say the least, we texted and called everyone we knew to share the news.. but at the same time I had suspected and had a "hunch" that it was a girl the whole time. I told Joey that the only way I would be shocked and roll right off that table would be if she said, "It's a BOY!"... haha.
The Ultrasound Clinic we went to was in Costa Mesa, (www.ultrasoundme.com) and it was such a neat place! The room was huge, had two tv's (a 40" Plasma!) and an extra one in front of a few couches, where you could bring guests and family with you to enjoy your ultrasound. I wanted to have a dvd of the ultrasound made, but the tech said she could only do it after the baby was 16 weeks. Oh well. Too bad we couldn't, she was so active that day! Jumping around all over, waving at us. It was adorable, and such an exciting sight. She was laying on her side, in the fetal position facing my belly button, so we couldn't get any profile shots. (I was curious to see if she had Joey's nose, lol)
Auntie Theresa and Uncle Bobby bought her her first gifts yesterday after we found out as well! Too adorable!! Thanks again!
I found this cool picture of a baby at 14 weeks.. I thought it was cool that it's in the same position she was in for our ultrasound! Weird!

Sleeping just like her Mommy does...

The cute gifts Auntie Tree got her!