I'll finally be 6 months tomorrow. I can't believe it. I'm finally here. It's been crazy so far, and I'm sure will only get crazier! It is unbelievable how much she has grown in even just the past month. I recently started to feel her kick (distinctively at least) around 5 1/2 months. Now she doesn't stop! She really is a feisty one.. she kicks me all night when I'm trying to sleep, and all day while I'm at work. She kicks me when she's hungry, thirsty, everything it seems like. LOL. I never imagined how amazing this feeling could be. Everyone keeps telling me I'm really small for 6 months, but oh well.. better for me, right? haha. Joey and I have still been throwing names around, we really liked and thought for sure we were going to go with "Leah", but after a while it just didn't seem right. I think we're leaning towards Riley. I think that's my final answer? haha.
I went last week to the ultrasound clinic in Costa Mesa and had a DVD made of my ultrasound. It was adorable. She was so active, kicking, waving her arms around. When I have some extra time I'll upload the video.
I talked to my Dr. (who is still in OC) and let him know that I moved the the SFV but I didn't want to have to switch doctors (plus Joey and I had really had our hopes set on delivering at Mission Hospital, since it is a CHOC hospital) He told me it was fine, he would induce me when I'm close enough so I wouldn't have to try to rush to the hospital when I went into labor! That made me feel alot more comfortable for sure.
For now, I'm just trying to work work work my butt off until she comes, enjoy the holidays and Voila! She'll be here before we know it! (Hopefully, LOL)