Okay, okay.. so it's been FOREVER since I've blogged.. literally. We've been super busy with everything that has been going on recently and with the holidays around so on and so forth blah blah I haven't had time to go through pictures, edit, post, etc. Actually, believe it or not I really haven't even had time to snap many pics. Crazy, huh? Well, basic updates are:
* we're still not crawling. (hoping that she's just one of those babies who decided to skip it)
* we haven't cut our first tooth yet, though we are very very close
* our first word was "dadda" and she babbles on and on now.. I'm pretty sure I got a quick "mama" out of her today.. we're working on it...
* she is finally standing while holding onto the couch (well, more like leaning over onto it mostly)
* we recently said bye bye to the bottle and she's only using sippy cups now for everything
* her hair is finally long enough for a ponytail! (I'll have to snap a pic later)
* New stats at her 9 month wellness checkup- 18 lbs 5 oz, 28.5 inches and her head as usual is way big lol.
Here's just a few pics of the recent months. She's getting so big! (I guess I did it kind of backwards, the older pics are at the bottom)

My little Snow White for Halloween (these were phone pics so they're pretty blurry)

Our second costume option :)