Today was my niece Tamlyn's 1st Birthday Party! She was born on St. Patty's Day last year, a little "lucky charm"! There were soo many people there.. at least 100 or more. My sister and Troy did such a great job with the party, they had Elmo for all the kids, a play area for the little kids, a jumper, a Wii set up and more! They even had little stations set up for food, a "Sweets" shop and even a little Creamery! So cute! All the kids had a blast, and even the adults did, too.. too bad Riley is so young.. she slept through the whole party!
The Birthday Girl!
"Hey, I remember you! It's my new Cousin Riley!"
The 3 Cousins
Tamlyn's HUGE Birthday cake!! So cute!

My Grandparents with their 3 Great Grandkids

Riley's Great Grandpa Yukio
"Look! It's me up there!"
They had huge life size posters of Tamlyn decorating the walls..
One of my faves.. just like her Daddy!

The ice cream station "Brin & Ricky's Creamery"

Mommy, Riley & Elmo
The professional Elmo Photo Station they had set up
AWWW.. Cousins.

"We love our new cousin, Riley"
Me & Tamyln (not too sure what's up with my hair, LOL)
Everyone just starting to pile in...

Tamlyn had a little photo shoot..

Happy 1st Birthday Tamlyn!
Thanks for having us, we had a blast!!