For some reason I still can't get Riley to hold her own bottle. Well, I know why.. she's the laziest baby ever! So I started to give her sippy cups hoping that would help her grasp the idea of feeding herself somewhat. It worked in the sense that she gets she can feed herself except she hates drinking out of it because she's so used to the nipple on her bottles. She usually just chews on it and all her juice or water runs down her chin and onto her clothes. :) Oh well, back to the drawing table for ideas I guess!
She is sitting up a lot more now, but I still can't get her to fully do it on her own. I guess that will all come in time, although I have to admit that I was sure 7 month olds could do this by now!

Trying out new bangs

Please excuse my naked child.. what can I say it was hot and she LOVES to be lounging in just her diaper for some reason!

She may not know how to sit up or crawl, but this girl can text! :)