Today Riley is 4 months old! I would say I can't believe how fast time flies, how old she's getting etc.. but I say that every month! Today Riley's doctor gave us the go ahead to start some rice cereal once a day now that she's 4 months. She'll try veggies and fruit at 5 months. That was our big event of the day today, and of course I snapped about 500 pictures.. LOL. I bought her the "Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Cereal" which I liked the 'whole grain' idea more than I really cared about the 'organic'. I gave her about half a tablespoon for lunch, just to introduce her, and then let my Mom give her another half a tablespoon for dinner. She did a lot better the second time around. She kept rubbing it all over her gums with her tongue.. it looked like a little rabbit chewing on something. Hilarious! (I'll have to get a video of this soon). All in all by the end of her second feeding she really got the hang of it. I think she really already understands the whole "spoon to mouth" concept now. She did very well for her first time. I'm so proud of her! Happy 4 Months Riley bear! Here are some of my favorite faces!

Cereal already?! Wasn't she just born like, yesterday? =( LOL

This was her first reaction to her cereal..LOL

After a few bites, she definitely was in a better mood.

She did a lot better the second time around

Staring at the bowl, patiently waiting for her next bite

By the end of her second feeding, she really got the hang of eating her cereal, and the whole concept of eating with a spoon. So proud of you big girl!!
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