Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Things

My little girl is growing so fast it's unbelievable! We upgraded in the bathtub to sitting up (she used to lay in the hammock). She's finally big enough for a jumper. It's so easy to make her smile just by talking to her. Of course, our favorite time of the day, bathtime, always brings a smile to our faces. She can give you a "high five" if you ask her to, and she also grabs your nose when you ask her where your nose is. She's "creeping" or 'pre-crawling' already, after just learning to hold herself up on her tummy just a few weeks ago. Also this week, after trying all the yummy fruits and veggies baby food has to offer, I thought she might like a little change and bought her some "meats". I bought her "chicken dinner in chicken broth" thinking it would be delicious compared to all the bland things she's used to eating.. and.. well, you can probably tell by her reaction that we will be sticking to the bland stuff from now on! :)

Hmm, what do I do with this??

No more chicken for me!!

My little Elvis giving herself a look in the mirror

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