Riley is officially 11 months old! T- minus 31 days until the big "1". I look back at the posts from 3 or 4 months old when I wrote, "man time flies" and LAUGH because here I am at almost 1 full year later. Insane! So the only real updates I have on Riley is I finally got her hair in a ponytail! Yay! Haha. She has 4 teeth now, we're working on our 5th..she's working on walking, mostly she's just standing, and talking a whole bunch now. She can say "mama" and "dadda" and tell me "mu-ma" when she's hungry. She understands a lot of things we say to her now, like "go get your (toy)" and things like that. Or even when she's fussy, (this is horrible) but we'll point out her binky to her and tell her to go get it.. she'll look around for it for a second and crawls over to it and sticks it in her mouth. Her new favorite past time is scooting around on her little car that her Auntie Traci and Uncle Troy bought her for Christmas, and having Mommy chase her around making sure she's not getting into everything she's not supposed to. When I look at her and say, "Noooo" she freezes and looks back at me, gives me a huge smile and waits for me to turn around to do it again. Such a smart kid. She's mainly on table food now, she pretty much eats whatever we're eating for breakfast lunch and dinner, and is still getting her formula for the next month. Mommy's upgrading her carseat to a "big girl" carseat this month since she's finally reached the weight restrictions for it, and she LOVES being in the car! I'm sure she's tired of seeing everything pass by her backwards. She's developing her little sassy personality more and more each day! I love this little girl!

She got caught hanging out on the couch with some cereal and the TV remote.. hmm starting a little too early?


Loves her car.

See all my new teeth?
1 comment:
I wish I could say my baby is going to have gorgeous locks like your daughter, but she is destined to be a baldy.....for a while at least. Soooo cute!!!
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