Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!

We had a very fun-filled Easter this year! We spent the entire day with family, and it was great! First, we went to my Aunt's house where we had some lunch and got to spend some time with all of the babies finally! Nathan, Jacob and Riley are all about 6 weeks apart.. it was fun being pregnant all at the same time- and now we all have little ones almost the same age! So cute! After Auntie's house, we made our way to my sister Traci's in-laws where we had a delicious dinner! Again, Riley got to see more of her cousins, Jayden and Tamlyn.. it's always fun seeing all of them together!

Finally, when we got home, we had to do a little "Easter Photo Shoot" (because Riley was too little to see the big Easter Bunny at the mall).. =( so we had a little mini one with her stuffed bunny! Hope everyone had a wonderful and happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Riley and Jacob


Auntie Courtney & Uncle Mark..wait, where's their baby? LOL

Auntie Cindy

Uncle Jason (Riley's only blood uncle!)

My niece Lexi

Finally, all 3 babies!!

Grandma Rosa


Jayden and Tamlyn

His cute Elmo easter basket

"Look, it's our baby cousin Riley!"

Too cute..

Jayden being silly

Tamlyn's "funny face"

Happy Easter from Mommy & Riley!!

1 comment:

Margie said...

She is so beautiful! Looks so much like Joey's baby pictures. I'm happy to see that you are using the blanket that I made for her. I wish I could see my 1st grandchild, only pictures so far.
Hugs and kisses for Riley...
Grandma Margie