Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hot, Hot, Hot!!

It has been SOOO extremely hot here in the Valley over the past week..so Riley and I have been staying inside for the most part because I don't want her to get too overheated or sunburn! Today was slightly cooler than it has been here, so my sister and I decided to sit poolside in the shade with Riley so she could get some fresh air. I dipped her little feet in the water to see how she would react.. to my surprise, no reaction at all! After doing that a few times, and sitting her on my lap watching me "splish splash" my feet in the water, she was super excited. I can't wait until she gets just a little older (old enough to wear sunblock when the Doc says it's ok) so I can actually take her swimming!

Please forgive my sister's ghetto nails in these pix.. LOL

Striking a few poses before taking a dip in the pool

She had fun splashing


"Hmm.. I think I kind of like swimming"


I love this little girl! She is so full of personality and all smiles. She talks a lot now, and has been for a while.. but recently she's been going through a little "screaming" phase. Not screaming loud.. but just a really high pitched sound. It's amazing watching your daughter grow each and every single day- learn new things and implement things she has already learned! There is nowhere else in this world I would rather be than right here with her!! Just you and me Riley bear- best friends forever.

My little Cabbage Patch

She loves her blankie

She also loves her bathtime!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A 4 Month Birthday Surprise...

Today Riley is 4 months old! I would say I can't believe how fast time flies, how old she's getting etc.. but I say that every month! Today Riley's doctor gave us the go ahead to start some rice cereal once a day now that she's 4 months. She'll try veggies and fruit at 5 months. That was our big event of the day today, and of course I snapped about 500 pictures.. LOL. I bought her the "Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Cereal" which I liked the 'whole grain' idea more than I really cared about the 'organic'. I gave her about half a tablespoon for lunch, just to introduce her, and then let my Mom give her another half a tablespoon for dinner. She did a lot better the second time around. She kept rubbing it all over her gums with her tongue.. it looked like a little rabbit chewing on something. Hilarious! (I'll have to get a video of this soon). All in all by the end of her second feeding she really got the hang of it. I think she really already understands the whole "spoon to mouth" concept now. She did very well for her first time. I'm so proud of her! Happy 4 Months Riley bear! Here are some of my favorite faces!

Cereal already?! Wasn't she just born like, yesterday? =( LOL

This was her first reaction to her cereal..LOL

After a few bites, she definitely was in a better mood.

She did a lot better the second time around

Staring at the bowl, patiently waiting for her next bite

By the end of her second feeding, she really got the hang of eating her cereal, and the whole concept of eating with a spoon. So proud of you big girl!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Time Flies

I was just browsing through some of Riley's pictures today.. thought it would be fun to post a few "before & after's". These pictures just remind me how FAST time flies.. Cherish every moment!

The Swing...

2 weeks old

7 weeks old

14 weeks old

The Carseat...

Leaving the Hospital

7 weeks old

14 weeks old

The Boppy...

1 week old

5 weeks old

12 weeks old

and Jayden & Riley...

One week old

7 weeks old

14 weeks old

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Today we went and visited my Grandma and Grandpa to take out my Grandpa for an early Father's Day dinner (since next week will be so crowded). Always good times and good fun when you're with family.

Wow, seriously Riley? LOL

Tickle, Tickle! (or in this case, just rubbing the toy all over her face.. haha)

My Grandpa has super putting-babies-to-sleep powers.

What a long day. Goodnight!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Friday!

A quiet day for us today. We tried out our "Bumbo" seat for the first time..Riley actually does pretty well in it. Bathtime is always my favorite time to snap pics.. she's always so darn cute with her crazy hair after her bath. We spend sometime just laying around, talking and sharing a few smiles together afterwards.. so I'm usually snapping away. Happy Friday!

First time in her Bumbo


Crazy hair after her bath

Now that she can grab things- EVERYTHING is in the mouth!

Singing into her brush at an early age..

Time for bed..hugging her blankie

Life.. in perspective

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fun in the Sun

This weekend was definitely filled with some adventures and "firts" for Riley. Joey and I took Riley to a little Christian festival near the Huntington Beach Pier. The weather was great, but unfortunately the wind was a little strong.. and Riley kept gasping for air.. so we had to leave her in the stroller for most of the time. Then we took her down the street to a local park, where she got to feel the grass for the first time! (well, through a blanket) We just hung out, enjoyed the scenery and the weather and (of course) snapped a thousand pictures. Then we spent time with friends to watch the Laker game, and there were so many babies there! Except this time, Riley was actually the oldest..it sure was a bitter-sweet flashback to see the little babies- and trying to remember when Riley was that little! She did really well during the bbq, she just observed everyone and all the babies, watched part of the Laker game with us, and actually took one of the best naps she has taken in a long time, while everyone was in the other room screaming and hollering at the T.V.. haha. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend like we did!

She did so well just hanging out in her stroller.

"Got my Vans on.."

Would it be Riley without her sticking out her tongue? :)

Riley & her buddy Savannah

Riley was being such a big girl, and even let Savannah rest her head on her shoulder since her neck isn't too stable yet! Too cute!

Savannah is exactly one month younger than Riley. and it almost looks like they are the same size! She's definitely giving Riley a run for her money!

The peaceful "sleeping baby room".. they were all passed out at the same time!