Thursday, December 10, 2009

Countdown To Our First Christmas

We got our first Christmas tree last week! (I know, pretty early but I was in such a hurry to get everything in the house set up for Riley's first Christmas!) Jeremy and I took Riley to an actual tree farm, where you could cut down your own tree and they had little rides and things like that for older kids to enjoy. We opted to buy a tree we didn't have to cut down, but still had just as much fun :) It was freezing cold that day so we had to make it a short experience, but nonetheless a memorable one :)

We came home and decorated it nice and pretty, and had a little practice photoshoot. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the settings on my camera were way off, and the lighting sucked so most of the pictures didn't even come out. Oh well, hopefully we can get some good ones before the tree dies! Lol.

"Yup, this is definitely the one Mom. This is mine. I found it, and it shall be mine."


Catching Up

Okay, okay.. so it's been FOREVER since I've blogged.. literally. We've been super busy with everything that has been going on recently and with the holidays around so on and so forth blah blah I haven't had time to go through pictures, edit, post, etc. Actually, believe it or not I really haven't even had time to snap many pics. Crazy, huh? Well, basic updates are:
* we're still not crawling. (hoping that she's just one of those babies who decided to skip it)
* we haven't cut our first tooth yet, though we are very very close
* our first word was "dadda" and she babbles on and on now.. I'm pretty sure I got a quick "mama" out of her today.. we're working on it...
* she is finally standing while holding onto the couch (well, more like leaning over onto it mostly)
* we recently said bye bye to the bottle and she's only using sippy cups now for everything
* her hair is finally long enough for a ponytail! (I'll have to snap a pic later)
* New stats at her 9 month wellness checkup- 18 lbs 5 oz, 28.5 inches and her head as usual is way big lol.

Here's just a few pics of the recent months. She's getting so big! (I guess I did it kind of backwards, the older pics are at the bottom)

My little Snow White for Halloween (these were phone pics so they're pretty blurry)

Our second costume option :)