Monday, August 11, 2008

10 Great Perks to Being Pregnant!

10. Not feeling guilty laying around on the couch eating ice cream all day

9. Not having to do any lifting, or moving of anything

8. Being able to ask "Do I look fat?" and know that the answer will always be "No! You're glowing!"

7. You'll never have to make up another reason why you need a 2 hour nap at 3 o'clock in the afternoon

6. Not having to worry about using contraception, or getting pregnant! LOL.

5. Being able to use the excuse "I'm too tired" to get you out of any event you don't want to attend.

4. No HANGOVERS for 9 months! Woo Hoo!

3. Having the gift and responsibility of naming another human being.

2. Having to buy bigger bra's, because your boobs are too big!!

and the number one perk of being pregnant....

you get to park in the front row!!!

thanks rebecca.. ;)

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