Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our First.... LAUGH!

I thought this day would NEVER come. I have waited and waited for this day for so long. Her laugh is even cuter than I had ever imagined it. I know this is really not a biggie considering all babies do this eventually, but I could not WAIT to hear it! Last Thursday we were doing our normal morning routine playing together, I had her on my lap and was throwing a toy across the room for the dog and apparently Riley thought it was hilarious. She laughed for a good 5 minutes straight, like it had been built up in her for so long. Luckily after my sister and I realized what she was doing, we were able to catch the tail end of it on camera. Turns out, throughout the day we found a few new things that she also found pretty funny. It was so adorable, I almost cried. LOL. I LOVE this little girl!!

(Okay, so this isn't the first time she laughed, that video clip was too large to upload.. but this was pretty much right after)


claudia spaulding said...

It is so much fun and gets better with time! She is so cute! We have to get our babies together!

Stylist A said...

hehe... too too cute... love her little laugh!!!