Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So in the past few days, almost a week, I have been so over-rested that I don't know what to do with myself! Riley is now (finally!) sleeping through the night! Yay! I put her down anywhere between 11 - 11:30pm after a bath and bottle.. and she sleeps soundly until about 9:30 - 10am! After getting used to the whole 3 hour feeding schedule since she was born, I almost feel like I am getting TOO much sleep. So I have made it a point now to get up a little earlier than Riley, so I can get things done around the house (laundry, etc.)before our day starts.

I finally splurged and got a new camera (yes, again a new camera- but it's the one I've been wanting for so long!) so I spend most of my days now snapping away. Riley is up now most of the day, so we spend time playing, talking to each other, reading books, and watching Elmo/Baby Einstein videos. I have been trying and trying to do more tummy time with her, because I do feel that she is a little physically behind where she "should" be at this age. She will be 3 months old in 4 days.. and still cannot hold herself up on her stomach (or at least just her head for that matter), and she is also still not trying to grab things with her hands. I have been putting her on her activity mat in hopes that her arms will accidentally hit the toys and make something click in her head..haha. When I put her on her stomach for tummy time, she puts her face into the ground and screams until I finally pick her up. I'm pretty much out of ideas for this one. She has discovered one thing with her hands though, but unfortunately it's her hair. I cannot count how many times during the day I look over and catch her pulling on her hair so hard that her head is yanked in that direction. Yikes! Maybe the only down-side to her having so much hair! Lately I have been trying to put her down for her naps hugging a blanket (a great technique my Stepmom showed me) so it holds her pacifier in her mouth and keeps her from pulling her hair. Thanks Grandma Rosa! It seems to be helping..

So those are our updates, enjoy some pix and have a great Wednesday!

Playtime on her activity mat

Hugging my blankie

Making herself bald.. yikes!


Loving her new bathtub. Thanks Auntie Cindy for discovering this tub!

My favorite picture in the world

Her shirt is always soaking wet.. drool much honey?

The color of her eyes have settled..


Stylist A said...

all of the pictures are beautiful! I absolutely love the last one! close ups are my favorite. What kind of camera did you end up getting?

As for the tummy time have you tried doing tummy time on the boppy? it helps possition them up a little so they aren't so flat on the ground. It is a good starter.

And again... congratulations on your sleeping success!! xoxo

Joannah said...

Tiff, she is beautiful! She has beautiful hair so tell her to stop pulling it, LOL. Seriously, gorgeous!!! What kind of camera did you get? I'm in the market for one and trying to save up.

Claudia said...

Speaking of camera...this is going to sound lame..but the color is amazing! told you...sounds lame. LOL
Iz just started pulling at her hair a little, I figure there are worse things. :)